Paying by check? Make checks payable to:
"San Marcos Masonic Bodies"
San Marcos Masonic Lodge #342
PO Box 791, San Marcos TX, 78667

San Marcos Lodge #342 is a non-profit organization. 100% of donations go towards upkeep of the organization, charity, scholarships, and other aid to our community & humanity.
Please add 5% of your donation on top of your donation amount to accommodate for PayPal processing fees.
Yearly Dues
Yearly membership dues for San Marcos Lodge #342 are $150.00 per year. Due on December 31st of each year.
Endowed and 50 year service members are exempt from paying yearly dues.
Per Capita
The Grand Lodge of Texas requires lodges to pay a "per capita" for every member. The per capita rate is set by Grand Lodge. The current per capita is $27.50 per member.
Endowed members are exempt from paying dues, but the lodge is still required to pay your per capita. While you paying this is not required, it helps your lodge. 50 year service members are exempt from "Per Capita".
Members can purchase a one-time endowment that makes them a member of the lodge for life. Meaning, they no longer have to pay dues. The current endowment for San Marcos Lodge #342 is $1000.00.
Brunos Banquet
This is a members only event, open to all Masons. Membership will be verified at the door. For more details click the button below.
Degree Fees
EA = $150 | FC = $100 | MM = $100